Power of Mind

 Power of Mind

Power of Mind :- The person can do a lot with the power of his mind, if he controls the thoughts of his mind then why the mind is playful; the pace of the mind is very fast. The mind is an invisible part of the human body which is not visible but it is the most powerful part of the body. To overcome this powerful mind, it is not just the matter of every person, but if someone carries on it then he can do every task easily. Inside the mind is the whole world. Mind is a curtain on which desires appear and this desire serves as self-motivated within us, due to which we choose our hearts. Whatever works the senses in our bodies, it is done with the help of the mind because the mind comes from the thought and thoughts cannot acquire the sense of knowledge without thinking in our mind, therefore the mind is considered to be the Middle East, often called. If you have overcome the mind, then take life for granted. Overcoming the mind is not so easy but it is not difficult before, leave the mind open, after that, see what is the mind in which direction, and after that it will have to be controlled gradually.

The real meaning of Guru

Mind is a sense that comes from an idea. In Indian scriptures, the word maan has been used for the mind, which means the instrument or instrument that is mainly accountable for any event, thought or knowledge. In spite of the difference in the meaning, the picture is called the word synonyms of the heart in the heart Swantha Hridaya Sanskrit. The importance of the mind becomes greater because it is a link between the senses and the soul. With the help of which knowledge is attained and we use this knowledge in our daily life.. The mind is a lifeless element in its own meaning that is the element which does not have any feeling of color, touch, joy and suffering. The symbol is associated with a mind which is its internal anorist. Therefore, in Ayurveda, the mind has also been called as Sattva. Just as the senses are the external means of acquiring knowledge, the mind is an internal means of realization.


The ancient proverb is the defeat of the mind, the victory of the mind knows the person who thinks in his mind that he can not work, then he creates negative qualities inside him and when a person thinks that he is doing something He can create positive qualities inside him. According to Kabirdas, the mind is stupid, greedy, playful and thieves. If the mind becomes unbridled, then it takes us to the path of destruction, to control the mind, to avoid the path of this destruction it is absolutely necessary. Thoughts of thoughts on mind are known as our thoughts, our mind will also be there. Ideas planted in the mind land The varieties of salt seeds determine the bad and good personality of someone. Our thoughts give our mind the right direction and we control our mind.