Growth and development of teenage students

Growth and development of teenage students, The interrelation of various aspects of adolescent personality development can be illustrated as follows:

WHO defines adolescence as a period of age (between 10 and 19 years) and a period of life marked by special characteristics. These features include:

• Growth and physical development.

• Physical, social and psychological maturity, but not all at the same time.

• Sexual maturity and beginning of social activity.

• Use

• Adult mental process and adult identity development.

• Transmission of total socioeconomic dependence to relative independence.

Higher education needs competent leadership

Physical development

In the youth stage, marked changes occur in the following domains:

(i) Height and weight

(ii) body relationship

(iii) voice change

(iv) increase in engine performance

(v) sexual changes

Educational implications of growth and physical development.

A program of growth and physical development is not limited only to the playground, but must permeate the classroom and, in fact, the entire school program. Physical development in the classroom can take the following forms:

(i) Direct instructions can be given to meet the need for a good physique.

(ii) Suggestions about maintaining good health are very useful.

(iii) The correct posture should be emphasized

(iv) Provision of good seats and lighting in the classroom, which will affect them and make it important to study in a healthy environment.

(v) To provide adequate physical activity opportunities to children, due importance must be given.

(vi) Physical exercise must be mandatory for any child in school.

(vii) Several activities that promote physical development should be planned and children should be encouraged to participate in these activities.

(viii) At this stage, students’ sexual development also takes place. We need to give them sex education.

(ix) Teachers must interact with the child’s motor development standards.

Understand the adolescent student

Cognitive development

Mental or intellectual development refers to the growth and development of teenagers’ abilities that allow them to complete a task that requires complex cognitive skills and adjust their behavior to changing environmental conditions. Enable

Cognitive skills include skills such as sensation, perception, imagination, memory, reasoning, understanding, generalization, interpretation, problem solving and decision making, etc. In fact, most parts of the school rely on mental development.

Kishore wants to answer everything and how logically and scientifically. The power of critical thinking and observation in the highly developed. They are more creative and curious. They are almost critical of everything. They develop a lot of imagination. It becomes the beginning of the artist, inventor, philosopher, poet and writer, etc. in adolescence

i) Signs of social development during adolescence

(i) Adolescence is characterized by a very high sexual awareness that results in sexual social relationships.

(ii) Loyalty becomes very evident during adolescence and adolescents are in the mood to sacrifice their selfishness for the broader reasons of group, society and nation.

(iii) The adolescent stage is often marked with better friendly relationships.

(iv) The emotional behavior of a teenager dominates his social characteristics and qualities.

(v) There is a lot of diversity among teenagers regarding their social interests.

ii). The role of the school in social development and the satisfaction of the social needs of adolescents.

School work has changed dramatically in a rapidly changing civilization. The traditional task of imparting the basic skills of the three Rs is no longer considered sufficient to meet the current challenge. The current school also has to do some family functions. You can develop some desirable social habits.

It is through co-curricular and extracurricular activities that social development work can be achieved more successfully. Comprehensive understanding and willingness of the teacher to work honestly only helps to act positively in an inappropriate manner.

iii) Class in the socialization process.

The class offers teenagers countless opportunities to move around and mix with other groups. Teachers are expected to be cautious to ensure that students do not think about untouchability, caste discrimination and other prejudices.

iv) Role of the teacher in the social development of adolescents.

A teacher can play an important role in the social development of adolescents under his charge. It greatly influences the development of teenagers’ personality. The following are important suggestions for adolescent social development.

(i) Adolescents can be taken periodically to public places such as museums, courts and places of historical importance, etc. to follow social interaction.

(ii) Those who participate in various economic activities or occupations can be invited to the school to explain what they do and how useful their work is for the nation. This will allow teenagers to familiarize themselves with those of society.

(iii) Teenagers should familiarize themselves with social events such as leaders’ birthday celebrations.

(iv) The school program must be full of many curricular and curricular activities in which adolescents meet, collaborate and learn from the personality of others.

(v) The stories that represent the personal sacrifices made by great men due to legends can be told to teenagers so that they are motivated to work for the good of humanity by rising above small profits.

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Emotional development

Emotional development is one of the main aspects of adolescent growth and development. Not only is physical growth and development associated with their emotional composition, but their aesthetic, intellectual, moral and social development is also controlled by their emotional development. Being able to keep emotions under control and hide them is considered a symbol of a strong and balanced personality. Therefore, adolescents should be trained to control their emotions and achieve a mental balance and stability that promotes personal happiness and social efficiency.

i) Role of the school and the teacher in meeting the emotional development needs of adolescents.

The following are ways to meet the needs of teenagers.

(i) Provide equal treatment regardless of the consideration of the adolescent’s wealth, status or gender.

(ii) Use of dynamic and progressive teaching-learning methods

(iii) Love and affection as part of the teacher as the core of the work

(iv) balanced emotional behavior of the teacher

(v) Creative and democratic classroom and school discipline

(vi) Healthy physical condition at school

(vii) Due to the individual differences of adolescents

(viii) Due to the personality of teenagers

(ix) Proper provision for a variety of co-curricular activities

(x) Provision of sex education

(xi) Rich and varied curriculum

Moral development

By morality we understand consistent with the moral code of the social group. The word comes from the Latin word “mars” which means manners, customs or folklore. Acting ethically means acting in accordance with the rules of conduct of the group. Morality also includes a feeling of right or wrong behavior that results from a person’s conscience. Ethical behavior is learned. Ethical standards vary from group to group according to what the group accepts as morally permissive behavior. True morality comes from the person. It is internal in nature and not imposed by an external authority.

Bowley and others think that a person of moral character has the following qualities (i) self-control (ii) credibility (iii) perseverance in action (iv) worker (v) realization of responsibility (vi) conscience

i) Role of the school environment

The behaviors and norms adopted in the immediate environment influence adolescents in the configuration of their moral behavior. It is very unfortunate that elders generally follow a double standard of morality. We rarely practice what we preach. These double standards are observed by teenagers. Therefore, it is very necessary that elders establish high standards of morality.

ii) Role of the teacher

It has been repeatedly emphasized that nothing can be more useful for shaping a teenager’s moral behavior than a teacher’s own behavior. A teacher has to establish a high level of moral behavior before the teenager.