Struggle is life

There is nothing simple in our life. Every person has to resort to struggle to get to their destination. However, when there are basic problems in life, it is a little difficult to maintain the will to struggle, because in such a situation one has to struggle to fulfill the basic needs along with the achievement of the goal. In this way the struggle of life is doubled. In such a situation, if there is internal force inside the person, there is enough physical and mental capacity, then there is no problem even in double conflict. For this, only a positive attitude towards life, desire and desire to achieve the goal should be in the mind. The passion to struggle does not stop the person’s movement towards the goal, does not break the ray of hope, but continuously increases the enthusiasm.

Spiritual practice

It is not everything to make a living by living among the facilitators, but it is also necessary to live a life in the absence of it, only then the right heart of life is revealed. If there is no struggle in life, then all-round development of a person’s personality is not possible. The success achieved without hard work is insignificant. If you do not lose courage while battling with circumstances and fighting difficulties, then you definitely get success. Fighting the challenges, struggling, the darkness casts over the person’s soul and life is illuminated.

In the time cycle, new and old do not matter

Helen Adamus Keller, the first deaf and blind American woman to receive a bachelor’s degree, said – “Conflict is the greatest gift of our lives.” It makes us tolerant and sensitive and at the same time teaches us that even though this world is full of sorrows, there are many ways to overcome those sorrows. ”Thus the heat of struggle brightens the life of man. The building of success stands on the foundation of struggle.