Thorndike’s Laws Of Learning

Thorndike’s Laws Of Learning

Thornadike formulated the following rules of learning based on his theoretical assumptions about the learning process.

The law of readiness

According to Thorndike, preparation is preparation for action. It is necessary for learning. If the child is ready to learn, he learns more quickly, effectively and with greater satisfaction. This shows us that if it is not ready then the child should not be forced to learn, but if the child is prepared to learn then he should not miss any opportunity to provide learning experiences. The correct movements related to the learning situation and learning mindset should be recognized and this knowledge should be used to the maximum by the teacher. They should try to inspire students by stimulating their attention, interest and curiosity.

Exercise rules

There are two sub-parts of this law. Rule of Use and Rule of Use which can be called as Rule of Use:

The rule of use states that the stimulus-response (S-R) is made stronger with more or often modified connections.

(a) Law of abuse:

When a variable connection is not made during a long period of time between a situation and a response, the strength of that connection decreases.

Where is someone called learning?

Rule of Effect

In other words, it can be said that learning is taken right when it gives satisfaction and the learner enjoys it. In the situation when the child meets failure or is dissatisfied, learning progress is blocked. All pleasant experiences have a lasting effect and are remembered for a long time, while unpleasant ones are soon forgotten, therefore, satisfaction and dissatisfaction, happiness or resentment as a result of a learning experience decides the degree of its effect is. This law emphasizes the role of rewards and punishment in the learning process.

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Thorndike’s contribution to the field of learning

The trial and error of the Thornadike in education is of great importance. It explains the learning process between animals and humans based on actual experiments. Not only human education but also animal education follows the path of trial and error. A child, when faced with a mathematical problem, tries several possibilities before arriving at the correct solution. Even discoveries and inventions in various fields of knowledge are the result of a trial and error process.

Thornedike’s theory has been an important contributor to the trial and error learning and his laws in the field of learning. It has made teaching purposeful and objective and emphasizes the importance of motivation. It has also given an impetus to practice and practice and has highlighted the psychological importance of rewards and accolades in the field of learning.