Educational Psychology – Growth and Development

Educational Psychology – Growth and Development


Educational Psychology – Growth and Development – As an internship teacher, when you are engaged in teaching-learning activity, if you understand the interests and needs of the student, you can teach according to their needs, they will be interested in learning and give you a good teacher Will give. How do you understand the students’ attitudes, interests, needs and interests? Psychology helps you understand human mental activities, experiences and behavior. Psychology is not only concerned with behavior at the conscious level, but also with the experiences of the subconscious and unconscious levels of the human mind.

Behavior in psychology involves physical and mental activities such as thinking, imagination that can be seen indirectly and emotions such as anger, happiness. In psychology, behavior is explained in terms of stimuli and responses. Psychologists find that developmental changes are not the same at all ages. Educational Psychology – Growth and Development are studied in biological, psychoanalytic, and cognitive effects.

Meaning of Psychology

The word Psychology derives from the two Greek words Psyche and Logus. ‘Psych’ means soul, ‘Logos’ means science. Therefore, earlier, psychology meant soul science. Later, people started questioning the existence of the soul.

Therefore, psychology was defined as the science of mind. The activity of the mind cannot be externally observable; Therefore, psychology was later defined as the science of human behavior.

Branches of Psychology

As knowledge extends from basic subjects to branch of various disciplines and interfaces between core subjects. Psychology also developed into various disciplines. Now we have many other psychology developed from child psychology, abnormal psychology, social psychology, educational psychology, counseling psychology, industrial psychology and basic psychology. As an internship teacher, you may be interested in educational psychology and some other allied branches, such as social psychology, developmental psychology, and counseling psychology.

Educational Psychology

Educational psychology will help the teacher to get answers to the following questions.

(i) Who should be educated?

(ii) Why should anyone be educated?

(iii) Where should education be imparted?

(iv) When should it be administered?

(v) How should it be administered?

And many other questions related to the teaching-learning process. Educational psychology has different dimensions. It deals with student characteristics, teaching contexts – teaching, teaching methods – teaching strategies, student mindset, mental hygiene and other aspects of education. The teacher is responsible for the student’s development in three dimensions of human behavior, such as cognitive, affection, and psychiatry. Psychology explains the interdependence of these three domains and the importance of the development of all domains in students. Therefore, knowledge of psychology will help the teacher to identify, develop professional skills, and meet social demands.

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