Criticism is an integral quality of human life and behavior.

Criticism is an integral quality of human life and behavior.

Criticism is an integral feature of human life and behavior. It is because of this that a human being is successful in checking the right and wrong things in his life and keeping the tendency to learn continuously. There has been criticism of the greatest people in the world. He has imbibed the learning he received from his life, but not every person can learn from criticisms. Criticism also varies. It can be constructive or negative. When we talk of criticism, we often have negative feelings in our mind and we are defensive, but this situation is not always good. It becomes necessary to understand the nature of criticism before we react.

Negative criticism is always associated with ignorance or jealousy aimed at hurting self-esteem, degrading or undermining self-confidence. By this, a person should be patiently ignored and ignored because most trees are killed on the same tree, which bears more fruit. On the other hand, positive or constructive criticism is done with the purpose of supporting the person. This criticism is meant as a suggestion to correct one’s mistakes, failures and shortcomings without hurting the person’s self-esteem in a limited range, which also acts as a motivator. The inspiration derived from this criticism creates a positive feeling inside the person which strengthens confidence. This does not lead to a deterioration in the person’s inferiority, confidence and efficiency.

Constructive criticism involves criticism of work and style rather than criticism over intentions, and a person with high self-respect always learns to accept constructive criticism by ignoring negative criticism.

Simplicity is the first path of devotion