Cognitive development

Cognitive development

Cognitive development :- Realization means that which activity leads to knowledge. Cognitive development means changes in mental activities such as meditation, learning, thinking and recognition.

Cognitive development helps experience through sensory organs, observation and memory, organize thoughts and find solutions to problems. Some academics believe that cognitive development occurs at various stages from birth. According to him the development of a phase is based on the development of the previous phases. These stages of development can occur at different ages for different children. But the sequence of steps will be the same.

We can identify the stage of cognitive development of an individual by inferring from the activities of individuals and the stage of cognitive development.

Attention factor

When we are in a conscious state – do not sleep, we are paying attention to any kind of stimulation. But conscious levels and meditation are not the same. Many stimuli that do not come to our attention may be present in our conscious level of these stimuli. We choose or separate some and pay attention to them. Attempt to select and experience meditation.

Attention factors from within us are internal or subjective factors. Sometimes there may be some factors from outside as well. These are present in the sensations or objects that attract us. These are called external factors.

Concept of individual differences

Attention span

We can notice some things within a short time. One of the things that we can follow in a very brief period is the meditation period. The duration of meditation refers to how many things can exist in the meditation of our conscious mind at one time.

When you ask children to watch many things for a short time, they can see all things with equal attention. Because the number of things we see at a time is limited. We can detect the duration of attention of a person using a tachystoscope in a psychology laboratory. Cards with multiple dots will be flashed one by one. Each card will be shown for one second. We have to say how many dots are in each card. The maximum number of dots you can see is to get your attention.

Entry and distribution

Inattention means not paying attention to any particular stimulus or any stimulus. We do not pay attention to a particular stimulus because we are not interested in it. Purpose is caused by the absence of objective and subjective factors that determine one’s attention. For example, lack of interest, motivation or need in the absence of personal reason.

On the other hand, distraction refers to participation in irrelevant stimuli that are not part of the main assigned task. A student wants to give lectures in class, but may get distracted due to noise coming from outside. Fatigue occurs as a result of poor productivity and wastage of energy….