Concept of individual differences

Concept of individual differences

Each child grows and develops in different environments. They vary according to the environment and experience. The experience of interacting with students and friends provides experience. This experience causes changes in thinking and emotions. The changes that occur during learning show that teenagers are trained with growth and physical development, they become good players. Therefore, learning is very important for development.


An important determinant of our behavior are the biological structures that we inherit from our ancestors as evolved bodies and brains. The importance of such biological bases becomes evident when we look at cases in which brain cells have been destroyed by disease, drug use or an accident. Different types of physical and behavioral disorders develop from such cases. Many children develop mental retardation and other abnormal symptoms due to the transmission of the defective gene of the parents.


The psychoanalytic approach shapes development through subliminal forces that motivate human behavior. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), a Viennese physician, developed psychoanalysis, a therapeutic approach aimed at giving patients a vision of subliminal emotional conflicts.

Cognitive implications

According to Bronfenbrenner, the child experiences cognitive development in the context of a complex system of relationships, including interaction between parents and children (“microsystem”), extended family, school and neighborhood (“meso system”) and society and culture in general. . (“Exosystem”) Changes at any of these levels have the potential to affect cognitive development. An immediate implication of such systems theory is the need to provide programs that influence these various relationships to maximize their positive impact on a child’s cognitive development.

Cognitive development

Anubhuti means knowing what activity leads to knowledge. Cognitive development means changes in mental activities such as meditation, learning, thinking and recognition.

Cognitive development occurs with the help of sensory organs, experiences through observation and memory, to organize thoughts and find solutions to problems. Some academics think that cognitive development occurs at different stages from birth. According to him, the development of a phase is based on the development of the previous phases. These stages of development can occur at different ages for different children. But the sequence of steps will be the same.

We can identify the stage of cognitive development of an individual, the activities of individuals and the stage of cognitive development.

Growth and Development Plan