Functions of the Staff Agencies

Functions of the Staff Agencies

L.d. White staff summarizes the important tasks presented by the agencies.
1) Ensure that the Executive Director is adequately and adequately informed.
2) Help them plan future problems and events.
3) To ensure that matters come to your desk immediately to make your decisions.
4) To exclude each case that can be treated in another part of the system.
5) Ensure the means to guarantee compliance by the subordinate of the established policy and the executive management.

According to Mooney, the three functions of personnel agencies are informational, advisory and supervisory. The informational task is for the CEO to collect all relevant information on which his decisions can be based. The functions of a consultant mean that decisions must be made based on what are the tasks of employees to advise the CEO. The supervisory function is to see that the decisions made by the boss are duly communicated and implemented by the respective line agencies.

Therefore, the main function of the staffing agency is to present all relevant information about the case to the executive, keep it at the appropriate time and provide advice on it. The personnel agency is outside the main line of the administrative hierarchy. Its function is not to give orders but to give advice. In India, the Planning Commission, the Department of Economic Affairs, the Cabinet Secretariat, the Cabinet Committees, the Prime Minister’s Office, etc. are examples of employee agencies.

Constitutional Design of State Administration (Part – 4)

Functions of the Line Agencies

Leading agencies, organized on the basis of a greater and sufficient purpose and concerned with the provision of services to individuals, are known as line agencies. They are concerned with the primary elements for which the government exists. A top-down ‘line’ of authority extends from the Secretary to the Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Superintendent and Secretary. In fact, they deal directly with people; Provision of services to people, regulation of their behavior, implementation of programs approved by the legislature, tax collection, etc. The main line agencies in the Government of India are the Departments of Defense, Education, Health, Labor, Railways, etc.

There are three types of line agencies, 1) Departments. 2). Corporation. 3) Independent Regulatory Commission. The department is the largest and most frequent administrative form. The public corporation is a new organized tool imported from the administration of private companies to the public administration. The Independent Regulatory Commission is a mix of departmental and corporate systems. It has a corporate character at the top, but internally it has a departmental structure.

Distinction between Line and Staff Agencies

In practice, the line and personnel agencies are firmly established. Sometimes it is very difficult to find each other. You have realized that the employee is not only a consultant, but also an executive. In some cases, employees can command and exercise electricity. At the same time, we can find some differences between the two agencies. Important among them are the following.

  1. Line agencies are fit to fulfill the purpose for which they exist and as such are themselves an end. But personnel agencies exist to help line agencies, and are therefore only an end-to-end means.
  2. Line agencies come into direct contact with people while personnel agencies remain behind the scenes.
  3. Line agencies are executing agencies. But personnel agencies are consultants and advisory agencies.
  4. Line agencies issue orders, while personnel agencies do not have the power to send such orders. They only give their special advice to the executive.

Staff, line and Auxiliary Agencies

Functions of the Auxiliary Agencies

Auxiliary agencies are those agencies that serve rather than line agencies. Public. They perform common tasks for all departments. A line agency, to carry out its main tasks, has to carry out various types of activities such as recruiting, hiring, purchasing, warehousing, supply, accounting, etc., each department has performed all these tasks. But today it is desirable to organize these functions under different agencies with specialization of functions in public administration and these agencies are called subsidiary agencies.

Advantages of Auxiliary Agencies

  1. Line agencies can spend time performing their core activities.
  2. It ensures the specialization of tasks.
  3. Since it avoids duplication of work, it ensures economy in administration. A single support agency saves time and money by doing one thing for all departments.
  4. It has the advantage of close supervision of auxiliary functions.
  5. It also has the advantage of increasing the scope of operations and reducing unit costs, such as large purchases, general warehouse, etc.

Disadvantages of Auxiliary Agencies.

  1. The establishment of Auxiliary agencies can weaken the responsibility of line agencies.
  2. Auxiliary agencies may outweigh the power of line agencies, and therefore a conflict may arise between the two.
  3. The support agencies consider that their mission is superior to the elements sought by the line agencies and, therefore, they are subordinate questions to the welfare of the economy.
  4. Sometimes, due to prolonged negotiations with Auxiliary agencies, there is an unfair result in obtaining the necessary service or goods.

In conclusion, it can be seen that the establishment of Auxiliary agencies with respect to any matter must be adjusted to the conditions of the situation. While support agencies have sufficient justification under favorable circumstances, there is a point of marginal unity beyond which the unity of the line department and the sense of full responsibility become better. We must not forget the fact that the nature of a subsidiary agency is primarily convenience rather than control.