How to develop an understanding of gender empowerment?

How to develop an understanding of gender empowerment?

What do you mean by gender empowerment and why is it important? Explain with example.

understanding of gender empowerment

understanding of gender empowerment :- Due to gender empowerment, the gender gap in our country is increasing continuously. In states like Haryana and Rajasthan, this situation has reached an even more dangerous situation. Full progress of the country is not possible due to such discrimination between boys and girls. Efforts are being made to eliminate gender discrimination through the efforts of many types of government and voluntary organizations. ‘Pradhan Mantri Sukanya Samridhi Yojana’ is an ambitious scheme run by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, which is a big step in the direction of reducing gender bias. Various state governments are also making efforts in this direction. The Prenatal Sex Prohibition (Exchange and Abuse) Act (PNDT Act) which is a legal provision, needs to be strictly implemented. Gender discrimination in Indian society is a result of the socio-cultural structure here, the solution of which will also have to be found according to the socio-cultural structure. Following measures can be adopted to eliminate gender discrimination.

understanding of gender empowerment

1. Strict adherence to laws to prevent feticide – PNDT Act and Acts should be strictly followed. For this, there is a need to create a mass movement so that the concerned hospitals and doctors and the guilty parents should be punished with the harshest punishment and punished by imposing fine so that other people also repeatedly before committing the dastardly crime like female feticide. Think. For this it is necessary that such hospitals and private clinics, which are flourishing in small towns to capitals and metros, should be identified, keeping an eye on the culprits should be punished severely. For this, NGOs and common man also need to come forward so that this heartless crime can be dispelled.

लैंगिक भेदभाव को समाप्त करने के उपायों का विस्तार से वर्णन कीजिए।

2. Propagation of education – The discrimination between men and women can be ended only by raising the awareness of education to the general public. Only by spreading education among the general public, the biased environment around the gender of boys and girls can be done away with. It is only through education that the perception that girls are confined to the boundary of the house can be changed. Education broadens and broadens our thinking so that we can change the preconceptions we have about girls. Only education can make it heartwarming that the boy and the girl do not matter, but the actions of the person are important. Education brings awareness in the society, through print media, electronic media, paper media, etc., the society can be made aware of the declining sex ratio and its ill effects. Decreasing sex ratio will not get a girl for marriage. Due to this the family will be incomplete and the qualities of love, kindness, sacrifice, sympathy will also decrease in the society. Adultery, human trafficking, prostitution etc. will increase in the society. Without a woman, the man would become insignificant. We cannot even imagine a daughter, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, sister because of the absence of a woman. By making the society aware of the above mentioned ill-effects frequently, we can reduce the gender discrimination.

3. By establishing a strict rule of law – if incidents like rape, splattering, acid throwing, adultery are strengthened in the society, then the parents do not want the daughter, the feeling of various types of insecurities in them. If the police and administration keep the rule of law and order in the society, then the number of adultery with women will decrease, people will think a thousand times before committing such a crime. The parents will not feel insecure and will not hold back from the girl child. Therefore, by arranging the rule of law in the society, the feeling of insecurity can be removed. Due to the rule of strict law, gender-testing in hospitals can also be banned, so that gender discrimination can be ended.

4. Religious and social beliefs – There are different types of religious and social beliefs in our society, due to which gender discrimination gets a lot of emphasis. By creating a mass movement, girls should be raised as an alternative to the boys in the society and family. More recently, in Gaya district of Bihar, only daughters did the funeral work and funeral pyre of the father because they did not have any son. Girls are also a unique creation of God and they are equal to men in every respect. Girls are capable of performing every task and ritual, they cannot be separated from any work. There should be a complete ban on purdah system, child marriage, prohibition of widow marriage, witch practice, female feticide. Child marriage can be banned by making the Sharda Act effective. Marriage of girl child below 18 years of age should be effectively stopped. Widow marriage needs to be encouraged. For this, government, non-government organizations and common people will have to come forward, only then gender discrimination can be ended.

5. By making the girl self-reliant – to end gender discrimination, all political parties need to pass the 50% women reservation bill by forming a consensus. Some states have implemented 50% reservation for women in local body elections, it needs to be implemented throughout the country. Half the seats in government and private jobs also need to be reserved for women. More than caste based reservation, there is a need to provide maximum reservation for women. Free employment vocational courses should be arranged for the self-reliance of the girl child. According to the need and aptitude of women, vocational courses should be arranged. Economic self-reliance plays a major role in ending gender discrimination between men and women and this can be made possible only through vocational education.

6. Improvement in the education system – The present education system should be linked to the real life needs of the girl child. Curriculum should be designed according to the needs and aptitudes of the girl child. The number of women in the education department should be equal to that of men. Vocational education for women should be emphasized. Different types of skills should be developed, which make the girl child self-reliant. Every effort should be made to identify the causes of wastage and blockage in the girl child and stop it. Adequate arrangement should be made for separate hostels for girls. As a result of the above efforts, gender discrimination can be eliminated.

Mahila Samakhya, Kasturba Gandhi Vidyalaya, laws related to women, fixation of age of marriage, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Kanya Dhan Yojana, reduction of interest rate among women, etc. are such schemes by which gender discrimination can be stopped.